Tuesday 3 May 2022

Farewell then, Johnnie Jackson

Thomas Sandgaard explains his decision not to extend Johnnie Jackson's contract: https://londonnewsonline.co.uk/charlton-athletic-part-company-with-manager-johnnie-jackson/

Richard Cawley of the SLP comments: 'Fairly clear indications that the style of football that Thomas Sandgaard wants, he didn't feel was aligned to the way that Johnnie Jackson felt was best way to win promotion.'

Terry Skiverton has also left as coach, but this has not led to any rending of shirts.

Sandgaard says he is looking to next season.   Whoever is chosen should have no previous connection with the club and can take a long, cool look at things.

However, supremo Sandgaard has said that it will be an exhaustive search, but in the mean time will not affect recruitment: https://londonnewsonline.co.uk/thomas-sandgaard-claims-johnnie-jacksons-departure-will-not-affect-charltons-recruitment-plans/

The decision was a bolt from the blue and the initial reaction I have seen from supporters is predominantly negative.

VOTV editor Rick Everitt has commented: 'The detail about Jacko’s contract got very confused but my understanding is final league position this season determined the level of severance pay he’d get. So finishing 13th made sacking him a cheaper option. It wasn’t about an extension this summer.'

Steve Brown commented on BBC London Sport: 'I don't think Johnnie has done badly enough to warrant being sacked. We're so quick in this country to pull the trigger on young managers we put in charge of a football team.'

'The best Charlton could have hoped for when JJ took over was 6th and it would have taken a championship winning run to get 6th. I don't look at JJ as the reason they've finished 13th. I look at the squad, recruitment, lack of leadership within the players.'

1 comment:

  1. Having clamoured for Jackson to be hired after his success as Caretaker, I'm pleased to hear Sandgaard's reasons for looking elsewhere.

    The style of football when Jackson had his first team available was abysmal. There was no tactical flexibility either. I dreaded to think of the types of players Jackson was looking to purchase. Sounded like he wanted us to be a set pieces team and the standard of play was going to be terrible to watch. Making the decision now makes perfect sense and was a good move from the owner.

    Hopefully we get the right man in this time and agree it's time for an 'outsider' to take over and assess all areas of playing and coaching staff. I have renewed hope that next season might be an improvement.
