Thursday 22 February 2018

The clock is ticking

I am back after my second stay in hospital and the club remains unsold, despite Richard Murray's stated belief that it was most likely to happen in February. However, Ramsgate pundit Rick Everitt reckons that any further delay will cost Roland Duchatelet: Time is running out for Roland

Some fans are sceptical of what Rick has to say because he has jumped the gun more than once. However, he does have access to multiple sources of varying credibility and they don't always tell the same story.

'Charlton till I die.' Yes, but I want my club back first with credible owners who are prepared to work with the fans to rebuild Charlton.


  1. Amen to that. Hope you're feeling better Wyn.

  2. And say so all us. Welcome back again Wyn hopefully back for good now, take care get well soon

  3. Like everyone I want Roland gone and the nightmare to end...but if it takes a few more days or weeks then I can live with it. Think long term, we aren't going to get automatic promotion this year, but I think we'll make the play-offs. By the time they arrive hopefully Roland will be a receding memory. In the meantime take care of your health Wyn.

  4. best place is administration get shot of all murray and roland so someone can get it at cheaper price I think greedy bastard

  5. Glad you are back Mr Grant, now take it ease for a bit, not to much Charlton I would say.
